"Inception or Interpellation?" 논문 관련 개인소식 본문
2022년 10월에 출판된 저널 <Rethinking Marxism>(vol. 32, no. 4)에 실린 Pablo Vila, Matthew T. Ford & Edward Avery-Natale의 논문 "Althusserian Interpellations: Intellectual Trajectory and New Avenues"에는 십 년 전에 제가 동일한 저널에 출판했던 "Inception or Interpellation? The Slovenian School, Butler, and Althusser"(vol. 25, no. 1)에 대한 논의가 있습니다. 저로서는 영광스럽고 매우 감사한 일이 아닐 수 없습니다. 논문의 첫 문단만 여기 인용해 봅니다(본격적인 논의는 좀 뒤에 나옵니다).
A few years ago, Won Choi (2013) published a path-breaking essay in this journal,
“Inception or Interpellation? The Slovenian School, Butler, and Althusser,” which
highly influenced our understanding of the Althusserian master concept: interpellation.
Though we were familiar with the concept and had used it in our own research
to date, Choi’s intervention made a “before and after” in our usage of the
term. Subsequently, we were exposed to the work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix
Guattari (1987) and, combining this work with Choi’s intervention, we started to
rethink interpellation in our own empirical work. Therefore, this essay advances
our understanding of processes of identification by taking advantage of recent theoretical
developments deriving from the concept of assemblages.
* 제 논문의 좀 더 확장되고 국역된 판본은 제 책 <라캉 또는 알튀세르>(난장)에 실려 있습니다.
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